
Tinda Desi

SKU: AM-TD/02 Category:

Tolerant of pruning and shearing. Little Gem is noted for requiring small pruning. Abstain from developing around plants since they have shallow roots. Roots value a decent mulch (1-2 “). Tinda require a chilly, lethargic period. Select a site with soil that channels well. After a decent rain, discover a recognize that is the first to dry out. Water caught underneath the scales may decay the globule, so a very much depleted site is fundamental.

55.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹35.00.


Tinda Desi is Tolerant of pruning and shearing. Little Gem is noted for requiring small pruning. Abstain from developing around plants since they have shallow roots. Roots value a decent mulch (1-2 “). Tinda require a chilly, lethargic period. Select a site with soil that channels well. After a decent rain, discover a recognize that is the first to dry out. Water caught underneath the scales may decay the globule, so a very much depleted site is fundamental.

How to Plant

  • The tinda seeds ought to be planted in one foot (30 cm) edges, separated 4-6 feet (1.25-2 m) separated. Or then again plant seeds in lines around twelve inches (30 cm) separated.
  • Tinda seeds are little dull dark colored shading. Splash the seeds overnight.Sow 2-3 seeds at a profundity of around an inch (2-3 cm), keep moist. The seeds will sprout in 2 a month relying upon the temperature.
  • Thin the seedlings 1-2 for each slope when they have 3-4 takes off.
  • I don’t have such a great amount of room in my kitchen cultivate, so I plant tinda in pots. You can drench the seeds medium-term before planting to accelerate germination. I likewise put a tall trellis in the pot to prepare the vines to climb vertically up. This vertical developing techniques spares part of room.
  • Keep the vines not excessively thick to give tinda gourds presentation to daylight and air for best outcomes.


  • Red Pumpkin Beetle
  • Epilachna beetle
  • Fruit fly
  • White fly
  • Powdery Mildew
  • Downy Mildew